Thursday, January 7, 2010


I've created a blog. It is like a public diary, I suppose, but if you enjoy reading it, then I welcome your eyes.

Lately I've realized that I'm not just me anymore. I am many. I'm Tara, Liam, Freya, Izak, little Luna, even Baldur and those darn cats. It's been an adjustment, but I've adjusted.

And what a contradiction my life has become. If ever there was a family man, I am him, and yet I no longer have any contact with my own parents, I'm sorry to say. And when I look at Liam, I see my father, and when I gaze upon Freya, I see my mother. It really tugs at my heart.

Enough of that. I'm now working the best RN job I've ever had at a great hospital. Good pay and benefits, great schedule, awesome coworkers and management, and the work is interesting and exciting. After four torturous years as a nurse, I finally feel like I'm coming into my own.

My book is written and I finally have time to work on getting published. It's almost as much work as writing the book! It's what I want more than anything, though, so I'll keep slingin' crap against the wall until some of it sticks.

Our house is looking and feeling wonderful. Tara an I have welcomed the start of this new year with a rededication to downsize. It feels so good to clean clutter out of our midst, and our home is getting easier and easier to keep clean. The kids seem to really love it, too, and don't seem to get into so much mischef.

Tara and I have also been cleaning out our own spiritual and emotional "clutter," and we grow happier with each other and the life we're creating every day. Sure, it's hard bringing up baby after baby, but we have really come to see our destinies in bringing up these very special, intense little souls into the adults that they are meant to become. And hey, little Luna will be our last, so there's a light at the end of the stinky diaper tunnel.

Anyways, I need to get back to my synopsis (which is WAY too long).

Have a good day or night, depending.